Starts mid September 2019, with Nathalie Saint-Remy
“Introducing the Yoga practice to your kids is to enable them to meet themselves by practicing postures, meditation and breathing techniques through the magic of games and stories”
This weekly Yoga classes will offer kids of different ages to develop well their bodies, posture, and spines, to have a conscious pattern of healthy breathing from an early age and to be calmer and contented with themselves, while still being kids.
Is an anthropologist as a first career. She met Hatha Yoga in 2008 and discovered in addition to the physical benefits that it gave her a spiritual opening and a new look at the world, which lead her towards supporting others in finding self-care.
She is a yoga teacher graduated from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta International School and Yoga and stress management, as well as trained by Catherine Nozeret (Ajna Yoga Asbl) on Yoga for children and adolescents
Two groups divided into different ages:
Wednesdays: 2- 2:55 pm: kids from 6-10 y.o. & 3- 3:55 pm: kids from 11-15 y.o.
Unimind Centre: Avenue Maurice, 1 – 1050 Brussels (Tram 7 or 25, stops Buyl or La Cambre – Etoile)
Trial class: 12€ Trimester: 140€
Laia Puig Escandell IBAN:BE39 3630 2496 5719 BIC:BBRUBEBB